American Center for Manufacturing & Innovation

A group of people signing a document at a desk

On August 14, ACMI Federal and Crane Army Ammunition Activity signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in Crane, Indiana. The MOU strengthens how the two organizations will work to bring together researchers, government agencies, and the private sector to solve complex challenges critical to national security and defense. The agreement also lays out a framework to improve the munitions supply chain, the development of munitions technology, and increase the resilience of America’s munitions stockpile, including the distribution, storage/surveillance, demilitarization, production, and maintenance of munitions.

ACMI in Indiana (background)
ACMI Properties is focused on developing industry-centered campuses to address the infrastructure gap for companies between startup ideation and scaling phases. In February, ACMI announced a first-of-its-kind industrial development: Munitions Campus – Indiana.

The project is an industrial real estate development to support scaling and innovation in munitions-related areas. The partnership leverages the Department of Defense (DOD)’s $75M Munitions Campus award to ACMI Federal and an estimated $300M of private capital for developing infrastructure.

Crane Army Ammunition Activity holds roughly 25% of the Department of Defense’s conventional munitions and is a leading center for the storage, maintenance, distribution, and demilitarization of munitions making it an essential component of American national security. Indiana is critical to the current and future industrial base with several centers of excellence in academia, business and logistics along with large amounts of key natural resources.